Friday, June 18, 2010
Singapore - My Unforgettable Day
Thank God for sleeping in though, otherwise I could not have functioned today. A few people stayed back to rest today, but most of us were able to go out on the town for the day. The first thing we did was get a lunch (nobody went down to the lobby until 11 am, so it was a good chance to sleep). I formed an "American fare" lunch group and we raided a Subway in the mall. Some people may say "thats awful! embrace the experience!" but you must understand that 90% of the time thats what we do :-) So it was great to experience some American food that was familiar and tasted the same as it does back home! :-D
Following lunch, we went on a Singapore River Cruise, and saw famous buildings along the Singapore river. The river is about 4.1 kilometers long, so the ride was not too long, but the buildings were absolutely beautiful. Quaint, pastel-colored buildings from years ago were set against a shining background of steel skyscrapers and an impressive casino. I hope to eventually post pictures that I got with my cell phone, but that will not be until I get home at least. It was kind of funny, but while we rode the boat, they played this funny recording of someone narrating the sites... not that it was intentionally funny, but I could not help but laugh! The music, the tone and tamber of the voice, and what they chose to point out... (like the naked bronze statues leaping into the water) it was all hilarious!!! :-D
Water rides are awesome :-) And riding a boat in the ever-so-muddy waters of the Singapore river was no exception!!! After that, we ran up to a 7-eleven for snacks and drinks, then loaded into the bus. Everyone was sooo excited! Guess where we went next... the world-class Singapore Zoo!!! It deserves a separate post :-)
But I will include it in this post!!! :-D Lol!!!!
As soon as we walked into the entrance, I was blown away by the facilities and layout of the Singapore Zoo. There were animals RIGHT THERE, without the ropes, chains, and glass around them that you see in the American zoos!!! It was almost like viewing the animals in the wild, besides the fact that you were on a concrete sidewalk surrounded by people. Talk about awesome... They have an "Open Design" that allows people to get reeeeeeally close to the animals (and I saw a little kid touch one of the minature deer!). Animals are not put in awkward spaces, but every "enclosure" simulates their natural environment. When we reached the Australian outback exhibit, I could not help but marvel at how they only had a little wooden fence around the kangaroos! It was maybe a foot high and only had one little stick laying across the posts. One. and it was small! Anything could have gone through that, but they make the spaces so inviting to the animals that they have no desire to leave it... at least thats what it seemed like to me :-)
The restrooms (which I had occasion to visit) were incredible also. I expected a drab layout. Instead, there was a waterfall coming off the roof of the bathhouse, and the sinks stood facing the waterfall, where the one wall would have been. It was cool... instead of that wall, they had a view into a pretty garden. Totally unique and amazing :-)
The zoo boasts a wealth of 2,530 different specimens from 315 animal species. With 1.6 million visitors a year, this place is HOPPING!!!
My favorite part of visiting the zoo (and my entire day really), was the Splash Safari. They showed off the cute little penguins, the pelican, and the manitees. But the most interesting and awesome part of the ENTIRE show was the sea lion.
From the start, he was amazing! His name was Carlos, and he beat the water excitedly to greet the crowd, then splashed around a while, just enjoying himself while they talked. Then they had him do tricks. One of the routines was him demonstrating his agility on land, and moving in the water. He could jump all over the place on the rocks, and in the water he glided smoothly at 40 kilometers per hour! Jumping out of the water to touch a suspended ball was one of the coolest tricks of the show.
Well, thats about it... Oh, theres a couple other parts...
The guy called a couple of children up and they got to feed fish to Carlos, and then get a picture of him kissing them on the cheek :-) It was really fun to watch, and the crowd enjoyed it. But the story does not end there! They asked for a couple of adults to come up, and Claire (a girl from our team) was selected!!!!! Then, they called ME up there!!!!
"Come on down here, Superman! Yeah, you in the collared shirt!" My smile must have been a mile wide! I high-fived my team as I ran down the steps to the front stage area, and looked back up into the large crowd. The announcer asked our names and where we were from, and then he just kept holding my hand while he talked. And he kept holding and kept talking, even though I tried to let go. Then he said "are you nervous? you are shaky!!!" Then I replied, "I'm more excited than nervous, but I've gotta say - I've never been this close to a seal before." *face to palm* Smiling widely, he looks to the crowd and says, "well OBVIOUSLY you haven't been listening to me because it IS a sea lion but thats ok! Now, could you please let go of my hand?" And with that, he let go of me :-) So funny! And I'll admit, the whole "seal vs. sea lion" thing was embarassing, but I enjoyed myself so much that it doesn't even matter to me :-)
"I'd like for each of you to throw a frisbee to Carlos. If you make it, great! If not, we'll have to throw you into the tank!" And with that, he hands a frisbee to Claire and tells her to step on the painted spot on the floor. She wound up, and sent a beautiful throw right to Carlos!!! Everyone clapped loudly.
I wasn't really paying too much attention though - my mind was focused on weighing the frisbee, feeling it and getting used to its size. When my turn came, the announcer didn't help me feel any more confident about throwing the frisbee... "all you guys! this macho man represents all of YOU!!! Let's hear it for him!" :-) A small husky cheer erupted from the crowd, and I turned to face Carlos, the sea lion.
Just as I settled my feet in position over the place where Claire threw from, the announcer interrupted my concentration!!! "Hey! this is the place my Claire throws from. But you are a strong guy, so take a step back and give yourself some room to really throw!!!" Nodding my head, I turned and stepped up into the first row, then turned back to the stage.
"Nope, thats where a 7 year old would throw from, go further!!!" This went on several more times, and finally he said, "Go all the way to the back row, Superman! All the way up!" Being called Superman wasn't helping me feel more confident, but I drew on the crowd's building excitement and sent a silent prayer heaven-ward as I reached the back row and turned a final time towards Carlos' tank.
"Are you ready Carlos??" he shouted. "Are you ready macho man?" And with that I was given the signal to throw the frisbee.
It was a blue disk, about 9 inches across, and made of flexible rubber. It had a little dimple about an inch deep in the center, and it kind of flexed as I released it. I threw a perfectly straight throw with a slight curve near the end, and Carlos caught it!!!!!!
The crowd cheered loudly, and the announcer thanked me for participating!!! :-D :-D I was so excited! I played catch with a california Sea Lion!!!! :-D
After the show, everyone congratulated me, and I went up front and got my picture with Carlos :-) He kissed me on the cheek, and the photographers clicked away with their high-end cameras. It was surreal. I played catch with, got kissed by, and took pictures with a Sea Lion.
Completely epic win? Yes. :-)
We went to Chinatown after we left the Singapore Zoo, and that was great. Shopping for trinkets and souveniers is always fun, but the remainder of the day I was thinking about the Splash Safari and how cool it was.
I played frisbee with Carlos the Sea Lion, at the Singapore Zoo, on June the 18th, 2010. How cool is that!!! :-D
Now it is late once again, and I have a full day of CI tomorrow :-) Please pray that God blesses us once again with His anointing and help!
Sold on Seals... and Serving Jesus,
Thursday, June 17, 2010
A Packed Post
Today had so many things happen that I hardly know where to begin! But, as a wise man once told me, "Just start at the beginning, and tell the story to its ending."
This morning I woke up and ran down to breakfast. I am so grateful that they serve a free breakfast, even when Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs are the only thing that draws me from my comfortable sheets!!! The egg-like mixture and hot dog pieces and other dishes just don't have the "selling power" that cereal does. :-D
The team met for devotions and then we all went on a treasure hunt at a local mall. The list involved things that each team would do, like sing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" on a busy street, take a picture of an Asian with blue eyes, etc. We got a few things on the list done, then took some time to shop. It was a nice afternoon, and everyone enjoyed themselves.
There was this one hill on the way back from the mall that made an indellible impression on my mind... all 142 steps from the bottom to the top!!! It was CRAZY!!! the steps here are steep, tall, and slanted downward... it made walking up them quite the undertaking :-)
When we got back to the Hangout, everyone hurried to get ready for the CI, and then we trundled down to the bus, and before you could say "Bayuwch!" (a word we made up especially for CI), we were off.
I can't thank God enough for the awesome dinners we have enjoyed this week! It has been delightful to dine at the church each evening... Buffet style, delectable asian cuisine... Totally amazing :-) Tonight they had noodles with ham and cheese, and then this dish of rice with shrimp and ham, accompanied on all sides by asian desserts and Coca-Cola :-)
Marie told me before the kids came, "I hope they have energy tonight!" and I totally agreed. Teaching energetic children is awesome because their energy fuels the teacher and the lesson is more fun all around!!! Tonight was no exception. Our kids were excited to attend CI and they behaved awesomely! One of the precious little girls, Jewel, came up to me repeatedly, and asked for help with her craft. I wanna adopt asian babies now!!! :-D Every one of our kids is so precious and I love them all. The way they smile, laugh, pout, and every other mannerism, just makes me love them more. God truly has given me a love for His children, and I am sooo honored to have a chance to show HIS love!!!
Jewel asking for help with her craft was one of my two highlights of my entire day. The other was when I was asked to play background theme music for our Job skit :-) :-) That was soooo much fun! The music seemed to flow with the skit, and God blessed us in a special way.
It is 1:40 am and I should sleep a while before a full day of fun and rest tomorrow!
Love you all!!!
Gladly Serving Christ,
Lewis Carter
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Put Yourself in My Crocs..
After I left the computer room last night and went back up to our room, I found all my roomates asleep (God bless their poor weary souls). Using my ipod for a light, I navigated across the treacherous expanse of our room, which was littered with clothes, souveniers and things that reach out to grab my feet when I least expect it. My bed is in a corner, and against the wall, on the other side of John's bed. My suitcase took all the space between the foot of the bed and the wall, so there is just a narrow space between the feet of the beds and the wall in which I can scoot towards my stuff. Kinda fun :-) Try doing that silently, at 1:45 am, with your ipod as a flashlight... it was an adventure!!!
Once I'd gotten ready for bed, I settled in for a peaceful night's sleep. First, let me tell you once again that my suitcase was at the foot of my bed. The last few days I've kept my duffel bag on top of the suitcase (which was on top of a stand thing), and I'd been piling things on top of the two of them. What a recipe for disaster!!! :-D As soon as my feet bumped the pile, it all cascaded onto my feet and legs, the coins from shopping, the receipts, the bandanas for skits, my puppet, anything and everything you can imagine!!!
So around 2 a.m., I fell asleep in my pile of awesomeness and slept clear until 7:30. Then, I woke up suddenly and was WIDE awake. Since breakfast was calling my name, I bundled downstairs to chow down on another free meal!!! (Gotta love those!)
It has been a completely full day, as you can tell from me posting this in the wee hours of the morning. In the morning, our team gathered outside and left for the beach! It was sooo pretty out, and as soon as our bus stopped and we unloaded... it started to POUR!!! The lightning was gorgeous and we spread out to study our Bibles under whatever shelter we could find. I wound up in the most interesting of places...
From a distance, it looked like a big yawning giant, with its awning stretched across a 50 foot span of concrete steps and a small stage. There were two homeless guys sitting on the top step and a rusty remnant of a bike lay abandoned along the concrete walk. I sat down on the edge of the stage as the rain poured, and what do you know, they have speakers mounted on the stage that were playing popular american music! Fun stuff. I settled in and read a few chapters of Isaiah, and then I watched as the bottom level of the concrete fill up with water. The drains were pumping water IN instead of out! The rain only worsened and I could visibly see the water rising. Totally awesome!!! :-D :-D
After an hour and a half, I wandered back to the McDonalds that everyone was gathering at, and we sat around until the bus came back. The attitude of my team is both incredible and inspiring! Instead of complaining about how the rain prevented us from riding bicycles along the beach, we prayed and thanked God for protecting us from what might have happened if we had gone biking, and for the time we were able to spend with Him. I love my team :-)
We spent the afternoon back at the Hangout, and I got a chance to organize my things in a better spot, away from my bed :-) Napping was very needed... I don't know how I fell asleep, but it happened and I thank God it happened!!! :-D I felt so much better after a little sleep :-)
Dinner was tasty, and the CI went well! Our kids were wonderful and Marie taught responsibility because its her favorite lesson. I really enjoyed watching her and studying the children's reaction to her :-) My absolute favorite part of the night had to be when we were doing the Sycamore tree and Zacchaeus skit. I played the tree, the table and a beggar under the table. for one part, I bit off a piece of a foam paper and hid it in my mouth, then put out my tongue to show my empty mouth. The kids went CRAZY!!!! :-D I love doing this stuff :-)
Now it is time to rest and sleep :-) I still need to try and wake up for breakfast though... we'll see :-)
Keep praying for our team! God is daily showing Himself faithful to us, and we are encouraged, but the enemy continues to attack our team members. Please pray God's protection over each one of us as we seek to fulfill His work in His kingdom in Southeast Asia!!!
Love you all!
Gladly serving Jesus,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A Really Good, All-around Awesome Day :-)
To start with, breakfast (the free one from the hotel) was really good. :-) I'll be taking advantage of that the rest of the week! :-D
Next was team devotions at 8:30 am. That was really cool, and three members of our team shared testimonies and we all enjoyed both learning about them and worshipping God together.
At 9:30 we left for a daycare, and this was truly an awesome opportunity for us to witness!!! The people there had posters that featured different religious holidays from various religions, and they allowed us to share the Gospel explicitly. It was a golden opportunity for us. Supposedly, these kids are underpriviledged and come from average to low income families - not as poor as the orphanage we saw in Penang last week, but kids are kids no matter where they come from, and we enjoyed sharing Jesus with them :-)
We sang songs like "this little light of mine" and told the story of Zacchaeus, complete with me being the "tree" that he climbs!!! :-D it was so fun! and I had to "transform" into a table for Jesus, Zacchaeus, and all his sinner friends to eat at. :-) good times! then we had a couple minutes to visit and take pictures with the children. I have never known what it is like to have so many kids in my lap at ONE TIME!!! I had 3-4 children in my lap and two on my shoulders! Totally smotheringly AWESOME!!! :-D :-D
From there we went to Singapore's "Chinatown," and shopped for a while. I bought some really cool stuff when I lost my group... but don't worry, I found people again :-) I really enjoyed the Chinatown because it was SO CRAMPED AND BUSY AND LOUD!!! :-D :-D I truly loved it... the cacophony of music, the smells of strange fruits and packaged leather :-) totally amazing and relaxing... :-) What a day!!! :-D
From there, we came back to The Hangout and got prepared for the CI tonight, and I took a nap. We went to the CI and ate a tremendous dinner, and it was soooo good!!! :-D :-D :-D
The dishes included were as follows: fish paste in banana leaves, fish meat balls (and something i couldn't quite figure out, even with taste. possibly pork balls?), salad, corn salad, chicken wings and legs, some gelatin-like layered dessert treat, another gelatin thing covered in coconut shreds, pizza, coconut rice, curry vegatables, and FRUIT!!!! A whole plate covered with slices of mango, starfruit, guava, papaya, and watermelon, along with a couple other fruits I couldn't recognize, but they SURE TASTED GOOD!!! :-D
The CI tonight was sooo good. I mean, SO good. It amazes me how God encourages us when we need it... I needed God's reassurance that I had His help in teaching. Tonight, I taught for an entire 40 minutes about authority and how God uses it in our lives for good. The entire time that I taught, the children were totally attentive!
Then I drew out the word "Authority" in graffiti letters on the whiteboard, and the kids LOVED it!!!! One boy liked it sooo much that he took a picture of it and put it on his cell phone :-) So cool.
When we came back from CI, Tiffany brought out cheesecakes that SHE bought with HER personal money, and treated us to a delectable dessert!!! It was sooo sweet of her (in more than one way, haha!), and we really enjoyed that :-) perfect ending to a perfectly awesome day!
Please pray for a few people on my team. Yesterday, we found out that one kid's mom is gonna be having a surgery soon and its kinda stressful. Today, a couple of the kids found out that their grandfather was given 24 hrs to live, but they decided to stay here with the team.
Continue to keep us in your prayers.
On a lighter note, the highlight of my day was when Victor was introducing himself and went ahead and introduced his sisters too. Then he pointed to me and introduced me as his brother!!! That completely made my day... :-) :-)
Quoteable Quotes from the last two days:
"Moses wanted a son that he could call......... Son."
"Moses was his name, and coolness was his game."
Thanks for the laughs Victor! :-D
Alrighty! Its going on... lemme see here... 1:31 am. :-) Full day.. so its time to sleep!
Keep praying for our team! Like I said before, Satanic powers are majorly attacking our team, and we need the prayer warriors to buckle down and seek God on our behalf! God can move a mountain, and the greatest stronghold of darkness is nothing under God's mighty hand.
Loving the frontline,
Sunday, June 13, 2010
An entire EPIC week!
Monday we started our CI in Penang, Malaysia. We set up in the morning and that evening we opened the 2010 Penang CI with a bang, getting the teams all good to go for the week. All the other days revolved around getting ready for CI, teaching CI, trying to find time to sleep, and talking to my team leader (also my roomate last week). Victor Peh has been awesome to room with, and his spiritual insights were both motivating and inspiring!!! We had a great time sharing a space last week, and spent several nights staying up very late, discussing life purposes and goals and the things of God. It was truly one of my favorite things about this trip so far.
Throughout the week we tried to go do different special things, like visiting an orphanage in Penang. That was quite the experience. Let me explain exactly why...
Some of our kids came from this poor part of town called "Rifle Range." It is the poorest, dirtiest, most dingy part of the entire island. The neat part about visiting this orphanage was that two of the children on my team were from the Rifle Range, and I saw them at the orphanage. The team joined the kids for an awesome time of playing, singing, jumping around, a skit, and a prayer (but we were not allowed to say anything about Jesus - you can be put in jail for trying to witness to Muslims in Malaysia, and it was an Islamic institution I believe). Showing Christ's love to the children and staff was so enjoyable!
Our team this last week was interesting. Our kids were terribly quiet - I am looking forward to taming children who are wild, especially after two weeks of calm kids! :-D near the end of the week the kids started to be a little more out-going, and for part of the last night and the entire last day we combined our team with another. The kids drew off of each others' energy and both teams benefitted from the combination!!!
On Thursday morning, our team sat down to have a serious talk. The original plan was to go on a scavenger/treasure hunt all over Penang, but as we gathered together, the entire team agreed to spend time with God instead of enjoying a treasure hunt. So we all walked to the beach and spent time along the boardwalk, each of us getting into God's Word and spending time in prayer. After that, several of our team members opened up, and ever since then our team has been so much closer.
Another cool thing was our Friday, our day off for the week :-) Taking a brand new bus to the world's only museum and preserve for live butterflies, we spent the entire day touring, shopping and enjoying the culture and sights of Penang. It was totally awesome!!! We first stopped at this place called "Sam's Batik House" and there I did a lot of shopping. (Just wait until you hear of how hard I bartered!). There was one shirt I wanted to get that had an original price of $120 RM. But that is wayyyy too much to pay for ONE piece of clothing! That translates to about $35 in US currency. By the time I finished, the price was $65 RM and I had a very nice shirt :-)
From there we went to the Museum and Live Preserve place (not sure of the name), and saw all the butterflies, reptiles and bugs that they had there. It was top of the line and very beautiful. After about an hour and a half we left there and drove further up the coast to a place where we spent the afternoon taking pictures on the beach, eating and walking around town. When we first arrived, it started to rain! :-/ But soon it was over and we were able to continue enjoying our time there :-) There was this really creepy guy who ran the watersports there, and he was making eyes at all the girls. Needless to say, us guys were watching him pretty good. But when the group huddled up on the beach and everyone was together.... I collected shells.
That was such a fun day... I really enjoyed spending time with the team, shopping in the different towns (we drove so much that I have no clue where all we went), and having a day to relax. I did miss Victor being there though - he stayed back at the hotel to pray and seek God, to make sure that he was doing everything he could to lead our team the way God wants him to. What an example of Christ-like love and dedication to excellence!!! I cannot say enough good about our incredible team leaders, Victor and Eunice Peh. They are totally on fire for God, completely dedicated to HIS work, and they lead with a contagious zeal. It is truly an honor to serve under and with them. They call themselves "willing rascals!" :-D
Something you learn over here is culturally polite traditions. For example, eat EVERYTHING on your plate. The most difficult thing I've eaten so far was not just bad-looking, but it smelled bad too. It was a plate with rice, vegatables, and chicken joints. Not like a leg or a meatless wing, but joints! They tasted and smelled like mud from a barnyard. Disgusting. But hey, its protein and I got it down :-)
Another great food we tried this last week was a fruit called "Durian." It tastes like a rotten sweet onion, and the smell is even worse. Oh, and guess what... Penang is having a DURIAN FESTIVAL!!!! apparently, its a local delicacy. I'd take it over the chicken ;-)
On Saturday we had the a few skits, and those were very enjoyable! The first one was the story of Esther, and I got to be Haman. :-) With the black marker on my face, glasses, and a deep scary voice (the girls on the team were freaked out), it went well and I had lots of fun with that role! :-D The second skit was where Victor and I showed the kids how it is important to be a real Christian on the inside and on the outside, and when we ate the "mud" from the inside of the cantelopes, they truly flipped out :-) Totally awesome.
The most wearing and difficult part of Saturday was right before we were supposed to go to Parent Presentation. There is this one boy named Benjamin, and he threw an absolute tantrum before we were supposed to go upstairs. So much so, that I volunteered to stay back with him while everyone else went to show off the week's work to the parents. Well. It was an experience :-) He bit, kicked, flailed, screamed, cried, twisted, writhed, threw my glasses on the floor, spit up phlegm several times, and by the time 50 mintutes went by, I was dripping sweat. I am pretty sure that the spit on my face was not mine either.. lol! Finally, his team leader came back from the Parent Presentation, and I was able to have a few moments of respite before the final skits.
Today, we left the hotel at 6 am, and drove to the airport. We flew to Singapore this morning and spent the afternoon resting and then went to church this evening.
Another thing - on Saturday, we had these black things in our rice... it was Chinese fungus. But I'm not sick though, so its all good. :-) Also, after the CI was over and things were cleaned up, we were taken to a 5 star club where we had a buffet dinner with lasagna, lamb, salad (something we don't see much of over here, if ever), a large fruit bar, and desserts like bread pudding and flan. Incredible. and after we finished eating, we all went to the beach (right outside the back door of this place) and waded in the waves! I caught a crab and picked it up... and grabbed his leg with my teeth. Manly moment. *takes a bow* :-D :-D
So, those are my highlights from the last week! I look forward to letting you all know what God does in the days ahead :-) Keep praying that God prepares the hearts of the kids, but that He will also transform the hearts of our team members - its about the kids, but we want to experience change also! I hope none of us go home unchanged :-)
I'm a team leader with Marie Peh as my assistant - pray that we do well this week! :-)
Love you all!
Gladly serving Christ,
Monday, June 7, 2010
Ice Kachung!
We drove from KL to Penang on Sunday afternoon and went to a very nice Chinese restaurant Sunday night for dinner. I ordered some noodle stuff, but the funny thing is, they didn't bring my food until everyone else finished eating! :-D its ok though, because I was not hungry by the time I got it, and the flavor was quite heavy with soy (not quite my favorite just yet). That night we moved into our next hotel, the GoodHope Inn. It is great! kind of rustic, with a tannish orange color on the exterior walls, and decent rooms. The interesting thing about this place is that the bathroom multitasks - it contains the toilet, sink and shower in one little room :-) Kinda fun! I'm rooming with Victor Pey, our team leader, and he is awesome! We are really enjoying rooming together. We stayed up until 3:30 our first night rooming together, talking about spiritual things, solving the Rubix cube, listening to music and just enjoying hanging out :-)
Today I tried something called Durian and ice kachung. Durian is a spiky outside, pods on the inside, type of fruit... kinda tasted and smells like a rotting sweet onion. the Ice kachung was also very unique! It has shaved ice, topped with a red juice (don't have ANY idea what flavor it was), and creamed corn, black gelatin strips, and red kidney beans. Pretty good stuff :-) when we went to lunch, I bought a chicken and rice plate... when I tried that hot sauce... yeah. pretty much burned my mouth off at first contact :-) :-) awesome!!! :-D
Pray for the team, especially over the next few days. We are going to be using alot of energy, and its not through our strength that we can do anything, but only as God gives us help! He is the reason we are where we are, and its incredible to see Him at work. Keep the prayers coming!
Gladly serving Christ,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Goodmorning Everyone!
It is about 12:30 am here in Kuala Lampur and today went very well! We got up this morning and met for breakfast downstairs before leaving for the orphanage. The orphanage is called "stepping stones,"
and it is an openly Christian institution for orphans and underprivileged children. When we got to the orphanage it was approximately 10:30 in the morning and the children were all smiling and very happy to see us. It was so wonderful to see where they live, and to interact with them. I packed my puppet, and the kids just loved it! they put their hands in his mouth, tugged on his hair, pulled on his sleeves and laughed like crazy while i made his head move around and opened and closed his mouth. Then our leaders, Victor and Eunice, led us all in a few songs and we played a couple of group games.
One thing that happened that was kinda scary was while we were singing "shout for joy, Hallelujah," Timmy jumped up (one of the actions in the song) and one of the fans caught his hand pretty good. He said it didn't hurt, but we got it under alcohol and antiseptic pretty quickly so it would be able to stay clean and heal. Immediately, we stopped everything and had a word of prayer for him, and then we started singing again!
The net thing on the agenda was a skit put on by 6 members of the team. It was called "Mrs. Hockenstock." Essentially, the teacher Mrs. Hockenstock, had a Very Very Very Special Book that nobody was allowed to touch until after recess. When the class was out to recess and the teacher was out of sight, one of the children came back into the class and looked in the book. THEN, one of the other kids came in and frightened the person looking at the book and they ripped it! then the rest of the skit revolves around the teacher asking who did it. One child said aliens tore the pages, one said that they did it (trying to be sacrificial and lie to protect someone else), another simply acted crazy and senseless and the last one simply cried (they were guilty :-) ). The moral of the story was to show that telling lies is wrong and that eventually your sins truly will "find you out!"
The CI tonight was wonderful as well! My team was very cooperative and we enjoyed a great game called "Wack-o!" We had all the children stand in a circle and one person in the middle was supposed to "whack" the person whose name was called with a magazine. But if the person whose name was called said someone else's name before the "monkey in the middle" hit them, then that would be the new target, and you continue until someone can't say another person's name fast enough. Our kids really enjoyed it and Liz did a great job of getting the kids to interact and talk with each other :-) I love having an assistant!
Praise God that both Rosalee and Priscilla are feeling somewhat better! Rosalee has been feeling a bit under the weather and stayed at the hotel to rest all day today, but Priscilla's voice is slowly coming back :-) We are glad that they are getting better, but please continue to keep them in your prayers.
A couple things to remember for the team as you pray:
1. That God will bless our efforts as we seek to glorify Him.
2. That we will keep up our energy for the children, especially as we anticipate the 8 hr day of CI on Saturday.
3. For the health of each team member. Not only is it difficult to stay healthy as we have so much to do, but we are around children and a lot of them. It is very easy to be exposed to a lot of sickness in a night.
4. That God prepares the way for the next CI!!! :-) We have so much to look forward to in the weeks and days ahead!
Thank you all for your continued prayer and support!
Love ya'll!
Gladly serving,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Hi Everyone, My name is Lewis!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sitting on the floor at our gate, we told stories and passed the time as we waited for the plane to arrive. The sound of wheels rolling echoed down the hall, and what do you know, the same lady who weighed our luggage and carry-ons was rolling in the ticket kiosk! This was truly the "budget" with a capital "B" airlines. As it turned out, our plane did not arrive on time. But its ok! We only had a fourty-five minute flight from Singapore to Malaysia, and customs did not take long once we arrived. We drove to the Summit Hotel and everyone said goodnight and I found my room, clear up on the 15th floor. How awesome!!! You can see sooo many city lights from up here, its totally cool! :-)
They told me that my roomate, John, was quite difficult to wake up. I agree. :-) I beat the door and rang the bell for the better part of 15 minutes before I went back downstairs to the front desk and asked for an extra key to get into my room. I got to bed around 1:30 am (1:30 pm according to my body) and sleep was amazing. Kinda like passing out, I didn't even remember getting comfortable really, haha!
This morning (Sunday), we met in the lobby and after meeting our other teamates, we loaded into the bus and went to church. the service was wonderful and the sermon very insightful! The pastor preached from Phil. 3:1-21 and we must have sang 6-7 hymns throughout the course of the service. Afterwards, we got back into the bus and drove to an open air market where we enjoyed "typical cuisine." Wow. I have to mention this, I've been to other countries and tried different foods, but nothing compares to the food I've experienced here in Asia so far. It is just so unique and different from anything I've previously tasted or tried. the eating of shrimp and noodles with chopsticks, drinking from a bowl with floating pieces of coconut-flavored jello and hardboiled eggs (the drink was flavored sweet-like, I can't exactly plave the flavor though), it was all very new to me :-)
A great experience though! You just had to not think about the slight smell of sewage in the air and just have fun eating :-) At some point, another grill started up and the smell from it toned everything down and I was able to more fully focus on enjoying the new and adventurous dishes set before me!
After that we left the open air market, we came back to the hotel and rested/shopped/slept/cleaned up. Later we went to dinner at a cool cafe in the mall (which happened to be about 4 stories high and connected directly to our hotel!).
Now I'm in my room and having already re-organized my suitcase, figured out that half of my shirts do not have a collar (something that we need for dress code here), hung up clothes, looked over some study material, bought internet time from the hotel and generally tried to get things together for tomorrow, I am updating things and doing my best to wind down :-)
I love you all! Thank you for your prayers.
Here are a couple requests that I could especially use your assistance in covering THIS week!
1. That God will give each member of the team a passion to serve selflessly and completely.
2. Each of the team members is given emotional, spiritual, and physical strength for the work ahead.
3. That God will help us to effectively use our time as we prepare for the first session tomorrow night, and that He will guide us as we prepare our lessons.
4. I was made a team leader as of this afternoon and I need God's special guidance as I dig into the material and work on the lesson. I believe we have the kids for a total of 4 hours..
5. For me, that I will be open to what God wants me to learn, and that I will draw closer to Him each moment of the day.
:-) So far its been one epic trip! Thanks again for the prayers! I will do my best to update this blog as often as possible, but please understand that things come up (primary example - taking 3 days to get to Malaysia instead of 30 hours like I originally thought, lol!!!) :-)
See you all later!
Gladly serving,
Love you all!
Gladly serving,
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tick Tock Goes the Clock