Goodmorning Everyone!
It is about 12:30 am here in Kuala Lampur and today went very well! We got up this morning and met for breakfast downstairs before leaving for the orphanage. The orphanage is called "stepping stones,"
and it is an openly Christian institution for orphans and underprivileged children. When we got to the orphanage it was approximately 10:30 in the morning and the children were all smiling and very happy to see us. It was so wonderful to see where they live, and to interact with them. I packed my puppet, and the kids just loved it! they put their hands in his mouth, tugged on his hair, pulled on his sleeves and laughed like crazy while i made his head move around and opened and closed his mouth. Then our leaders, Victor and Eunice, led us all in a few songs and we played a couple of group games.
One thing that happened that was kinda scary was while we were singing "shout for joy, Hallelujah," Timmy jumped up (one of the actions in the song) and one of the fans caught his hand pretty good. He said it didn't hurt, but we got it under alcohol and antiseptic pretty quickly so it would be able to stay clean and heal. Immediately, we stopped everything and had a word of prayer for him, and then we started singing again!
The net thing on the agenda was a skit put on by 6 members of the team. It was called "Mrs. Hockenstock." Essentially, the teacher Mrs. Hockenstock, had a Very Very Very Special Book that nobody was allowed to touch until after recess. When the class was out to recess and the teacher was out of sight, one of the children came back into the class and looked in the book. THEN, one of the other kids came in and frightened the person looking at the book and they ripped it! then the rest of the skit revolves around the teacher asking who did it. One child said aliens tore the pages, one said that they did it (trying to be sacrificial and lie to protect someone else), another simply acted crazy and senseless and the last one simply cried (they were guilty :-) ). The moral of the story was to show that telling lies is wrong and that eventually your sins truly will "find you out!"
The CI tonight was wonderful as well! My team was very cooperative and we enjoyed a great game called "Wack-o!" We had all the children stand in a circle and one person in the middle was supposed to "whack" the person whose name was called with a magazine. But if the person whose name was called said someone else's name before the "monkey in the middle" hit them, then that would be the new target, and you continue until someone can't say another person's name fast enough. Our kids really enjoyed it and Liz did a great job of getting the kids to interact and talk with each other :-) I love having an assistant!
Praise God that both Rosalee and Priscilla are feeling somewhat better! Rosalee has been feeling a bit under the weather and stayed at the hotel to rest all day today, but Priscilla's voice is slowly coming back :-) We are glad that they are getting better, but please continue to keep them in your prayers.
A couple things to remember for the team as you pray:
1. That God will bless our efforts as we seek to glorify Him.
2. That we will keep up our energy for the children, especially as we anticipate the 8 hr day of CI on Saturday.
3. For the health of each team member. Not only is it difficult to stay healthy as we have so much to do, but we are around children and a lot of them. It is very easy to be exposed to a lot of sickness in a night.
4. That God prepares the way for the next CI!!! :-) We have so much to look forward to in the weeks and days ahead!
Thank you all for your continued prayer and support!
Love ya'll!
Gladly serving,